Computer Vision Lab

Nikolay Falaleev

Deep Learning

» DeepLearning

Articles by category: DeepLearning

Mathematics Algorithms OpenCV Calibration Self-Driving Classification Segmentation Hardware Competitions ComputerVision
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27 Oct 2023

Deep Learning in Sports and Autonomous Vehicles

Deep Learning stack I am constantly asked about the role Deep Learning plays in sports performance tracking and analysis, so...

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20 Jun 2023

Top-1 solution of SoccerNet Camera Calibration Challenge 2023

SoccerNet Camera Calibration Challenge 2023 Task This technical write-up describes some details of the winning submission to the SoccerNet Camera...

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30 Nov 2022

Four generations of Nvidia GPUs compared

Testing The post continues the series of benchmark rusults published previously with results for GPUs of the latest four generations...

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29 Jun 2020

Multi-task learning loss balancing

Multitask learning Multi-task artificial neural networks has several advantages over a set of single-task neural networks. Sharing of features between...

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06 Nov 2018

Benchmarking RTX 2080 Ti vs Pascal GPUs vs Tesla V100 with DL tasks

Testing The post presents results of Turing and Pascal GPUs benchmarking with a popular Deep Learning Benchmark. PyTorch based tests...

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24 Oct 2018

Semantic Segmentation of Seismic Reflection Images

This post contains a description of the 14th place solution by Argus team (Ruslan Baikulov, Nikolay Falaleev) of the TGS...

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23 Oct 2018

About Kaggle TGS Salt Identification Challenge

The goal The overall goal of the competition on Kaggle platform was to build an algorithm that automatically and accurately...

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05 Jun 2018

Discussion of the Lyft Perception Challenge

Speedup tricks The basic prediction script was profiled with yappi multithreaded python profiler, and the profiling results gave rise to...

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05 Jun 2018

Multiclass semantic segmentation with LinkNet34

Software and Hardware The model used in the submission as well as previous experiments were prepared with use of different...

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31 May 2018

About Lyft Perception Challenge

The goal The overall goal of the Challenge is to generate a binary labeled image masks for vehicles and a...

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21 Feb 2018

An approach to predicted class balancing

Postprocessing of predictions It was observed that the predicted class distribution in the Kaggle: IEEE’s Signal Processing Society - Camera...

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20 Feb 2018

Camera model identification with deep learning

About the task The goal of the competition on Kaggle platform was to build an algorithm that identifies which camera...

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20 Oct 2017

How to run TensorFlow with CUDA 9 and cuDNN 7 in openSUSE on Ryzen

Introduction I was faced with the necessity of computational power increase in order to meet my needs in computer vision...

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21 Sep 2017

Neural network for multiclass image segmentation

Introduction The main goal of the project is to train an fully convolutional neural network (encoder-decoder architecture with skip connections)...